Plan miasta Duffus

Duffus - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Now we#39;ve got another nude dude on the road and -- oh, look b.../b

Now we've got Mark bDuffus/b. bDuffus/b??? Yeah, no kidding. And he's accused of driving nude and masturbating. Mark bDuffus/b, 45, of Perry, Ga., allegedly was doing all this while shadowing a tractor-trailer on Interstate 95 in Flagler County. bDuffus/b was charged with lewd ... The truth of the matter is that the accused was just coming from the beach and a weeks worth of awesome bvacation/b and decided to change from wet shorts to dry ones while driving.Bad,bad decision on my part . ...
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Kate#39;s Paddling Blog: Easter 09, Gigha

A friendly bhotel/b at Belochantuy provided parking and an easy launch spot. Conditions were not calm, but forecast to improve so we packed for an expedition and set off. The plan was to head north along the Kintyre coast until the narrowest ... Next morning we had no option but to return to out cars at Belochantuy for the long drive home. This was a short, but lovely trip away. My first camping trip of the year, and I hope the first of many. Posted by Kate bDuffus/b at 12:02 ...
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